Thursday, November 13, 2014

Let's Be Real...

Wheww.. I am saying that to myself as I am finally sitting down.  My daughter, Lily, is asleep and I can take time to relax.  This is how I relax, by writing.  Some people relax by watching television, reading a book, cleaning, eating, etc.  I have decided to write this blog because this past year my life has taken a complete 180...for the better thankfully.  I look around at all the blessings that I have in life and my heart fills so full that I want to shout it to the world.  But I am human.  I still see the bad that is around and I am really trying hard to not focus on that.

Lily is now a year old and I have been thinking a lot about the type of mother that I want to be for her and for all of my husband and I's future children.  I grew up with such an amazing role model and really do hope that someday I am at least half the mother that my Mom was to my sisters and I.  I want to be strong, faithful, kind, loving, funny, smart, but most of all I want my heart to show her (them) an overflowing abundance of God's love.  Lily has been the greatest gift of my life thus far and it is my duty to make sure that she knows it.

Now lets be real.  It's hard.  I am not perfect.  This past year has been difficult for us (really just me) for many different reasons.  Things didn't go the way that I planned for things to go. Oh the infamous plan that never happens... and the struggle with that realization...well the struggle is real.  It's hard.  It's hard for us as moms to have confidence in how we raise our children when there is so much negativity and judgement all around.  If you aren't a mother yet and don't know what I am talking about...oh you'll see, trust me.  So this is place where no judgement is allowed.  A place where I can write thoughts and others can write thoughts and no on can judge each other.  Because you know what, at the end of the day we are all just doing what's best for OUR families.